## ---- startup, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------------ library(Distance) library(knitr) ## ---- read-data---------------------------------------------------------- birds.line <- read.csv("montrave-line.csv") ## ---- transforms--------------------------------------------------------- birds.line$Effort <- birds.line$Effort * birds.line$repeats ## ---- missing-lines------------------------------------------------------ robins <- birds.line[birds.line$species=="r", ] # robins <- subset(birds.line, species=="r") # is equivalent # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13765834/r-equivalent-of-first-or-last-sas-operator findFirstLast <- function(myDF, findFirst=TRUE) { # myDF should be a data frame or matrix # By default, this function finds the first occurence of each unique value in a column # If instead we want to find last, set findFirst to FALSE. # This will give `maxOrMin` a value of -1 finding the min of the negative indexes # is the same as finding the max of the positive indexes maxOrMin <- ifelse(findFirst, 1, -1) # For each column in myDF, make a list of all unique values (`levs`) and # iterate over that list, finding the min (or max) of all the indexes # of where that given value appears within the column apply(myDF, 2, function(colm) { levs <- unique(colm) sapply(levs, function(lev) { inds <- which(colm==lev) ifelse(length(inds)==0, NA, maxOrMin*min(inds*maxOrMin) ) }) }) } tran.with.robins <- unique(robins$Sample.Label) # transect IDs with robins all.trans <- seq(1: length(unique(birds.line$Sample.Label))) # transect IDs all transects # empty transects will occupy the last few elements of the union statement empty.transects <- union(tran.with.robins, all.trans)[(length(tran.with.robins)+1):length(all.trans)] # what are the lengths of those empty transects? all.transect.lengths <- findFirstLast(birds.line)$Sample.Label lengths.empty.transects <- birds.line$Effort[all.transect.lengths[empty.transects]] # append 'blank' rows to bottom of species-specific data set # retain effort of transects with no sightings empty <- NULL for (i in 1:length(empty.transects)) { blank <- cbind(birds.line[1,1:3], empty.transects[i], lengths.empty.transects[i]) empty <- rbind(empty, blank) } empty[,c("A","B","C")] <- NA # pad out columns that are blank (distance, species, visit) names(empty) <- names(birds.line) robins <- rbind(robins, empty) robins <- robins[order(robins$Sample.Label), ] ## ---- models, message=FALSE---------------------------------------------- robin.hn.herm <- ds(robins, truncation=95, transect="line", key="hn", adjustment="herm", convert.units=.1) robin.uni.cos <- ds(robins, truncation=95, transect="line", key="unif", adjustment="cos", convert.units=.1) robin.haz.simp <- ds(robins, truncation=95, transect="line", key="hr", adjustment="poly", convert.units=.1) model.results <- rbind(robin.uni.cos$dht$individuals$D, robin.haz.simp$dht$individuals$D, robin.hn.herm$dht$individuals$D) ## ---- gof, fig.cap="QQ-plot of uniform cosine model fit to Montrave robin line transect data."---- robin.breaks <- c(0,12.5,22.5,32.5,42.5,52.5,62.5,77.5,95) # from Distance GUI fit.uni.cos <- ddf.gof(robin.uni.cos$ddf, breaks=robin.breaks, main="Montrave robin line transect data, Uniform-cosine detection function") plot(robin.uni.cos$ddf, showpoints=FALSE, pl.den=0, lwd=2, breaks=robin.breaks, main="Fit of uniform-cosine to Montrave robin line transect data (Fig 5.6a)") chirow <- c(fit.uni.cos$chisquare$chi1$chisq, fit.uni.cos$chisquare$chi1$p) ksrow <- c(fit.uni.cos$dsgof$ks$Dn, fit.uni.cos$dsgof$ks$p) cvmrow <- c(fit.uni.cos$dsgof$CvM$W, fit.uni.cos$dsgof$CvM$p) mytable <- rbind(chirow, ksrow, cvmrow) rownames(mytable) <- c("Chi-square test", "K-S test", "CvM test") kable(mytable, col.names = c("Test statistic", "P-value"), digits=3, caption="Goodness of fit statistics, Montrave robin line transects, Uniform-cosine model") ## ---- results-browser---------------------------------------------------- # Inelegant way to build first column model names model.results[,1] <- as.character(model.results[,1]) model.results[1,1] <- "Unif.cosine" model.results[2,1] <- "Hazard rate" model.results[3,1] <- "Half-norm. Hermite" kable(model.results[,1:6], digits=3, caption="Density estimates under Uniform/cos, Hazard rate, and half-normal Hermite models (Table 6.3).") ## ---- read-pt-data------------------------------------------------------- birds.point <- read.csv("montrave-point.csv") ## ---- subset-pt---------------------------------------------------------- robins.pt <- subset(birds.point, species=="r") pt.with.robins <- unique(robins.pt$Sample.Label) # point IDs with robins all.points <- seq(1: length(unique(birds.point$Sample.Label))) # point IDs all transects # empty points will occupy the last few elements of the union statement empty.points <- union(pt.with.robins, all.points)[(length(pt.with.robins)+1):length(all.points)] # what was effort on empty points? all.point.effort <- findFirstLast(birds.point)$Sample.Label effort.empty.points <- birds.point$Effort[all.point.effort[empty.points]] # append 'blank' rows to bottom of species-specific data set # retain effort of transects with no sightings empty <- NULL for (i in 1:length(empty.points)) { blank <- cbind(birds.point[1,1:2], empty.points[i], effort.empty.points[i]) empty <- rbind(empty, blank) } empty[,c("A","B","C")] <- NA # pad out columns that are blank (distance, species, visit) names(empty) <- names(birds.point) robins.pt <- rbind(robins.pt, empty) robins.pt <- robins.pt[order(robins.pt$Sample.Label), ] ## ---- models-pt, message=FALSE------------------------------------------- robin.pt.hn.herm <- ds(robins.pt, truncation=110, transect="point", key="hn", adjustment="herm", convert.units=.01) # change in conversion robin.pt.uni.cos <- ds(robins.pt, truncation=110, transect="point", key="unif", adjustment="cos", convert.units=.01) robin.pt.haz.simp <- ds(robins.pt, truncation=110, transect="point", key="hr", adjustment="poly", convert.units=.01) pt.model.results <- rbind(robin.pt.uni.cos$dht$individuals$D, robin.pt.haz.simp$dht$individuals$D, robin.pt.hn.herm$dht$individuals$D) ## ---- gof-pt, fig.cap="QQ-plot of hazard rate model fit to Montrave robin point transect data."---- robin.breaks <- c(0,22.5,32.5,42.5,52.5,62.5,77.5,110) # from Section fit.pt.haz.simp <- ddf.gof(robin.pt.haz.simp$ddf, breaks=robin.breaks, main="Montrave robin point transect data, hazard rate detection function") hazard <- function(y, sigma, shape) { key <- 1-exp(-(y/sigma)^(-shape)) return(key) } haz <- function(distances, ddfobj, point=TRUE) { sigma <- exp(ddfobj$par[2]) # contrary to hn models shape <- exp(ddfobj$par[1]) pr.detect <- hazard(distances, sigma, shape) if (point) pr.detect <- pr.detect * distances return(pr.detect) } pdf.point <- function(ddf.obj, mybreaks, ...) { # ddf.obj is produced by a call to ds() # result is a plot # sort out the pdf upperbnd <- ddf.obj$meta.data$int.range[2] distances <- seq(0,upperbnd,length.out = 75) if (ddf.obj$ds$aux$ddfobj$type=="hn") { detfn.line <- hnherm(distances, point=TRUE, ddfobj = ddf.obj) df.integral <- integrate(hnherm, lower=0, upper=upperbnd, point=TRUE, ddfobj=ddf.obj)[1]$value } if (ddf.obj$ds$aux$ddfobj$type=="hr") { detfn.line <- haz(distances, point=TRUE, ddfobj=ddf.obj) df.integral <- integrate(haz, lower=0, upper=upperbnd, point=TRUE, ddfobj=ddf.obj)[1]$value } detfn.line <- detfn.line / df.integral # now for the bars hist.dist <- hist(ddf.obj$data$distance, breaks=mybreaks, plot=FALSE) # picture plot(hist.dist, freq=FALSE, xlab="Distance", ylab="Probability density",...) lines(x=distances, y=detfn.line,...) box() return(hist.dist) } point.plot <- pdf.point(robin.pt.haz.simp$ddf, mybreaks=robin.breaks, main="Montrave robin point counts, hazard pdf", lwd=2) chirow <- c(fit.pt.haz.simp$chisquare$chi1$chisq, fit.pt.haz.simp$chisquare$chi1$p) ksrow <- c(fit.pt.haz.simp$dsgof$ks$Dn, fit.pt.haz.simp$dsgof$ks$p) cvmrow <- c(fit.pt.haz.simp$dsgof$CvM$W, fit.pt.haz.simp$dsgof$CvM$p) mytable <- rbind(chirow, ksrow, cvmrow) rownames(mytable) <- c("Chi-square test", "K-S test", "CvM test") kable(mytable, col.names = c("Test statistic", "P-value"), digits=3, caption="Goodness of fit statistics, Montrave robin point transects, hazard rate model") ## ---- results-browser-pt------------------------------------------------- # Inelegant way to build first column model names pt.model.results[,1] <- as.character(model.results[,1]) pt.model.results[1,1] <- "Unif.cosine" pt.model.results[2,1] <- "Hazard rate" pt.model.results[3,1] <- "Half-norm. Hermite" kable(pt.model.results[,1:6], digits=3, caption="Density estimates under Uniform/cos, Hazard rate, and half-normal Hermite models (Table 6.4).")